Ice Make is a strong player in the refrigeration arena in providing total cold chain solution. We provides the Industrial & Commercial Refrigeration solutions for every customer’s individual needs, since 1993.
Ice Make offers factory built, skid mounted package Chillers for Dairy, Beverage and Brewery Industry that produce Chilled glycol from 0 °C to (-) 6 °C with Reciprocating Compressors.
We also provides our services in to designing, engineering, manufacturing, assembling, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning with best quality after-sales services for ammonia based water chillers for Dairy, Pharma and Beverage Industries, Glycol chillers for Dairies, Breweries and Pharma Industries, Brine Chilling Plants for Breweries, Pharma, Chemical and allied Industries using Reciprocating as well as Screw Compressors, Shell and Tube, Shell and Plate as well as Plate and Frame PHE Chillers and Shell & Tube, Atmospheric, PHE as well as Evaporative Condensers with in-house manufacturing capability for Atmospheric condensers, Shell and Tube evaporators as well as Condensers.
Higher capacities or with Screw Compressor Package chiller – tailor made custom built can be offered as required upon request.